RANDOM THOUGHTS : 10.09.2009

there is a reason for every loss, a reason for everything that you will lose, a reason for what your losing RIGHT now... the least you can do is NOT be THAT reason !!!

RANDOM THOUGHTS - 04.07.2009

If your not supposed to drink and drive, then why do BAR's have parking lots ???


Well, i love watching add's, as long as they are nice and meaningful or at times just a treat to watch. All that said, advertisements now-a-days are getting worse day by day. I really pity those people in the business, the advertising business. You people need to spend more time watching the stupid advertisements you make and realize something for yourself than just spending time making add's one worse than the other. Add's these days have no meaning and promote so stupid ideas to people. You people are in an industry that everyone is watching can't you try to make things look good and advertise good thoughts in people. Oh !! what's the point in asking you people to change, you self centered ignorant money oriented good for nothing people.

This note is to list some of those nonsense add's and why i felt they were so... [in no particular order]

ADD OF THE DAY - 17.05.2009

FANTA... bunking is allowed !!
Were those people who came up with this soo stupid !! Bunking is allowed, give me a break !! Firstly, bunking is not allowed and Secondly do u think that those who bunked cared if it were allowed or not. What are you promoting BUNKING ?? or FANTA ??

more coming up !!


Stupidity bond is invisible bond formed in space with a relative time frame overlapping two or more stupid individuals and is found to have a devastating effect in and around the space in which it is created. It can not be destroyed but can be made spontaneously without effort and maybe transfered from one individual to another through various forms. The bond is directly proportional to the extent of stupidity but independent of the individual that is cause to it. It is found to attract individual who are stupid and other too and hence is very attractive. Certain cases of repulsive nature is also found but it has not made any effect on the bond already formed.Further details pending.



Not to expect anything, life preaches
We still expect, more than we should
Until it cripples us from within.

Victims we fall, to our own actions
Bound within, untouched by another
Realising only, when its too late
When it's gotten the best of us.

We try,
We try to learn from it,
But deeply rooted in us are they
That we are shattered.

Then finally, we stand up
Only to realise, that we're too late
The worst has been done
With experience we move on
Only bound to repeat them.

Some lesson are seldom learnt
Maybe, its one of those lessons
Which are never meant to be leant
Maybe its just the way we are.

RANDOM THOUGHTS - 04.07.2009

They say "To err is human, to forgive is divine". I say, there are two kinds of people, the ones that err, just because there is nothing wrong to err and the ones that err, but never wish they did. So if you are "err"ing cause its human to do so, you are human no more. Just a beast that looks human, and you just have no idea what your actions are doing to the world and neither do you CARE!! After all, you are a BEAST!


The reason you know there is a minority is due to the lack of understanding. All religions preach to love one and all, that all are equal in the eyes of GOD, but how many people actually go by that.

Reservation does not provide equality, but magnifies inequality. For equality to exist, reservation must die, and for it to die, we, the people must be more acceptable to equality.

A minority fighting for their rights does not establish equality. How would it? Aren't they a minority? Who listens to the minority? Who accepts them? Who would want to be equal with them? So naturally, a group classified as a minority remains to be forever. You might have reservations for them, provisions provided for them, advantages given to them, but will they ever be equal? NEVER!! In fact, this RESERVATION PROPAGANDA, serves as a medium to classify them forever, in such a way that they don't mind they are a minority. It never tries to bring equality. It's like giving them a BRIBE, "We'll give you so and so, and so and so. You take what we give and be happy. All we want from you is to accept that you are not like us". Unfortunately, the minority have been convinced so on various occasions. How else would you explain it's continued existence.

Only a majority can change the way things are. It's in their hands, and the farther they continue to live with it, the more UNEQUAL the balance becomes. Only a majority understanding a minority can remove inequality, by trying to bring equality. And when equality emerges triumphant, there will be no need for RESERVATION, love and harmony will exist. Unfortunately only a minority of the majority understand this. Again, a MINORITY is always suppressed. That's why it's never going to change.

The world is dominant with MINORITIES. Its so dominant, that it's a MAJORITY in itself, but no one realizes it. The sooner we realize, the sooner the changes will take place. The sooner that happens, the sooner the world becomes a better place to live in.

Instead, constant efforts are made by the majority to give false ideologies to the minority, or in other words, they have been bribed to take up the cause to obtain a RESERVATION for themselves, to differentiate themselves from the rest, to be UNEQUAL and be happy about it. Yea, I know...PATHETIC !!